The person who submits this application:
■ Is aware of Racing Rules of Sailing Fundamental Rule 4 (Decision to Race) which states: “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone”.
■ Acknowledges and accepts the risks (including the risk of harm to persons or property and the risks associated with the perils of the sea and the seaworthiness of any boat) associated with participation in races and events conducted by Woody Point Yacht Club and waives all rights against and releases Woody Point Yacht Club and their respective officers, employees, volunteers and members, from all liability in respect of any loss of life or injury to persons or loss of or damage to any property suffered in connection with such races and events.
■ Acknowledges and accepts that all sailing races conducted by Woody Point Yacht Club are subject to the Racing Rules of Sailing including the requirements of Rule 47 covering safety equipment and that all crew are to be briefed regarding the boat’s safety equipment with respect to its stowage, maintenance and operation.
■ Acknowledges that participation in races and events conducted by Woody Point Yacht Club by the boat nominated below and the person who signs this form is agreed to by Woody Point Yacht Club on the basis of this disclaimer and acknowledgement and on the basis that participation is entirely at the risk and responsibility of such person and each member of their crew and that Woody Point Yacht Club is not responsible for the boat or its crew.
■ Acknowledges and agrees that this document is governed by the laws of New South Wales, that any liability for harm to persons that results from any breach of an express or implied warranty that races and events conducted by Woody Point Yacht Club and all services relating thereto will be conducted or rendered with reasonable care and skill, is excluded and that the benefit of this document is held on trust by Woody Point Yacht Club for its officers, employees, volunteers and members.